Thursday, November 02, 2006

And I can't believe Marley is letting Dante sleep so close! Not that he'd be ugly to Dante. He'd usually move and find another place to nap or spot to relax in. I love it! I think Marley was just so comfy and cozy that he didn't care. As long as Dante napped and didn't try to play or get too close, he was okay with the Dante's cuddling.

Email updates from Darcy:
I thought this was cute so I had to send it to you (Nicole and Zebby). I was surprised that they didn't move when I came in with the camera. Zeb is doing great. He is very attached to me, he cries and cries when he wakes up until he knows where I am. Both Nicole and Halle seem to hang out with Zeb sometimes. Halle likes to be with him as long as he doesn't touch her. She still screams and hisses. I think he is getting use to it. She may never allow him to get too close. I sure am glad to have him. I love him so much. Take care, Darcy.
Check this out. While I was sending you the last email, they laid down next to each other. This is a major accomplishment. This is so cute. They are laying even closer now. I don't want to take a picture and disturb them. I need to leave them alone. I am so excited.
Those are some beautiful pictures of Zebby. It is so good to get updates on him. What a special little fella he is. I am so glad he is so happy, and that his furever family is too.
What an accomplishment for Dante. Another young feller that is so cute and cuddly.
Kat, you just have a special knack for bringing up wonderful kitties.
Oh we are so glad that Zeb is doing so well. And it looks like Dante is having a great time in your home. We hope he will find his forever home soon, but in the meantime he has the bestest foster family.
Those are very cute snuggle pictures!!
And your friends pictures are very cute too! I hope they get used to each other and snuggle!
I'd say little Zebby is very happy in his forever home. Makes you feel so good and so glad to see the pictures.
And also good to see Dante back on one piece (hee-hee).
Kat does have a knack for fostering.
That's not really Marley, that's a Marley shaped pillow. Did ya haf any trubble reattachin Dante's head? Lucky Zebby finally finded his furefur home. Now if only Bonnie would warm up that much to me!
Oh good for Dante and Zebby. Especially Dante - headlessness sounds kinda bad. hehehe
Zebby is sooper lucky to find his furever home too :)
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
Wow, I'm really glad to see that Dante has his body back! I was worried ...
Making furiends. It takes time.
Closest of buddies almost. They am so cute.
good - head an body togeffur like it should be!
all that cuddlin' goin' on is so cute!
Dante saw there was room by Marley and it looked so comfortable that he thought he would try it. He did it very carefully so he wouldn't bother Marley.
So glad Zebby is doing so well with Darcy and that she loves him. Halle will hopefully get to know him more and stop hissing as time goes by.
Hi! I have 2 very cute kitties (though they like to think of themselves as tough and ruggedly handsome) and I thought you might appreciate the following link:
Cheers to the cats that make our lives better!
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