Tuesday, August 28, 2007

~Graphic by: China Cat and Willow

I just got off the phone with Kim and yes, Oscar has gone to the Bridge. Kim was in Little Rock with Sean for routine tests as we spoke on the phone. Oscar started last night as Sean was in bed, crying on Sean's bed, but nothing out of the ordinary was thought and Oscar was locked out of his room. This morning, Oscar again was crying and had thrown up in is water fountain. Kim hurriedly unplugged it and gave him a bowl of water as she was getting ready to take Sean to his appointment at the Children's Hospital in LR. Before she left she had seen Oscar retreat into Alan's closet which to her realization was where Oscar goes when not feeling well. She told Alan about it and he said he would come home for lunch and take Oscar to the vet. Upon coming home, Alan found Oscar's lifeless body in the hallway next to a clear puddle of vomit. He had already made his way to the Bridge. The vet thinks maybe it could've been poisoning, but is not certain. So, please pray for Kim as she hasn't had time for everything to sink in as she's at the hospital with Sean.

I love you Kim and I write this with tears as I cannot believe he's gone either. Cyber hugs, lots of them, are being sent from the heart your way! Rest in peace sweet Oscar. Your fuzz sis, Kat

If you have done a remembrance post for sweet Oscar, please add it to the Mister Linky box below so Kim can view everyone's. I thought it would be an easy way for her to read and visit them all when she is ready. I know the Weekend Reflection isn't exactly what this is, but I felt it closest to what it was for. Thanks everyone!


KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Oh, no, not Oscar. He was one of the very first cats I met. Poor little guy, he was such a sweet and caring soul. He will be greatly missed.
Prayers to Kim and family.

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

We are so sorry to read this :(
our heartfelt condolences to Oscars family
we are sorry that we have no other words right now it has been too many bad news the past few weeks in the cat blogosphere :(

hugs and purrrs, Kashim & Othello

Anonymous said...

So many kitties have left us in the last few weeks, it's so sad! I'm so sorry that he's gone. :(

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We echo mom's sentiment when she read this-no God not Oscar! This has been a ruff week. We wonder what kind of poison, in the food? Did a neighbor put out mouse poison that Oscar ingested? Slug bait? This is just to much...we hope it wasn't the food...

Parker said...


Anonymous said...

This has not been a good week. First Ana and now Oscar. This is too much to deal with.

Tara said...

I can't believe this is happening! Its too terrible for words....
Tara and Kavan

zevo hussein calamari said...

We are all so sorry to hear this news. He was such a sweet boy and we loved his blog.

Sending lots of love and purrs to you. His spirit will be watching over you always.

zevo and friends

Mickey's Musings said...

I did not know Oscar, but my heart aches for him and for his family.
Too much sad this week.

Victor Tabbycat said...

Poor little guy. Our purrs to his fambly. He's watchin ofur them furever now. I's furry sad.

Anonymous said...

Oh, no.... not my kitty Daddy... *tears*... what heartbreaking news.

Anonymous said...

This is so sad. We're so sorry to hear about it. Everybody's going to miss him so much.
love & purrs from us

LZ said...

This is so very very very sad. We loved Oscar very much and news like this just stings so badly. We're all crying right now.


The Lee County Clowder said...

On no. Another kittie gone too soon.

The Cat Realm said...

We feel with you. Dear Kim, we are so sorry. There are no words to fill the hole that the passing of a loved one leaves. The knowledge that Oscar and Anastasia are together in a better place unfortunately does not really help in these first cruel days. And maybe never....
You may always email us, we won't be able to help, but we sure have a lot of pain to share!
Our thoughts are with you!
Karl, and the staff
Thank you, Emma's Kat, for sharing this with us!

sammawow said...

We just don't want to believe that this is happening to another of our friends...

We love you, Oscar and Kim and we are sending many huge purrrs to you,

Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Lux said...

Oh, this is terrible news. Our thoughts are with Oscar's family who are going through so much. :::hugs:::

Around Your Wrist said...

*free flowing tears...

i'm glad you're with suzanne, but ooohhh, daddy, i'm not ready to say goodbye!

your son,

The M's said...

We are all so sorry to hear about your loss. We are sending purrs and headbutts to make you all feel better..Love, The M's

caspersmom said...

All of us are meowing our sympathies to you Kim and your family. We will miss Oscar so very much. Our Purrs and Prayers to you. We also have a memorial for Oscar on our site.


Mom is crying, she sounds like she is meowing too.

jenianddean said...

Poor little guy! It really has been a sad week...our thoughts and prayers are with Oscar and his family.

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh I can not stand to learn this!!! First Ana and now my daddy cat Oscar....gone. How can this be....I am all alone and so sad right now.
thank you Kat for the mews... it is all bad but we need to know...

Karen Jo said...

This is terrible news. I feel so sad for Kim, Alan and Sean. I liked Oscar very much and I will miss him terribly. He is with Suzanne now, but, oh, the heartache he leaves behind.

Lucas said...

:( Been hearing sad news lately. First with Anastasia gone missing then this. I heard about Oscar from The Cat Realm. Rest in peace, Oscar.

- Lucas

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah my god, that is so so so sad~!!!!!

I really can't believe it~!!!
I hope Oscar be happy everyday in heaven~!

Daisy said...

This is very terrible and heartbreaking news. I cannot believe we have lost another of our beloved friends. This is so sad. Hugs and purrs to Oscar's family.

Christine and FAZ said...

It seems Kim, Alan and Sean have a lot to go through at present. Poor Oscar. FAZ


Oh poor Kim and Sean....our hearts go out to you. And Oscar we can't believe you are not with us anymore, we will always cherish Mr. Oscar what a sweet ginger boy.

Abby & the gang

The Furry Fighter said...

bye bye Oscar...sory we never met day xxx

Pumpkin said...

Oh no, not Oscar! He had so much luv to giff and now he's gone. Purrs sent to his fambly frum Pumpkin, Tiger, Bebe, Blackie, Quincy and Benson the noo woofie.

Anonymous said...

So sad sending hugs and purrs.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I am so very, very sad that Oscar has gone to the Bridge. Our eyes are leaking here. Oscar will be missed.

Ingrid said...

I am very sad to hear that Oscar is gone I still went from time to time to his blog but since July there weren't any news and now this ! Poor Kim and Alan ! It is terrible to loose a beloved pet !

Samantha & Mom said...

We were sorry to hear about Oscar. He was one of the first kitties we met and he was such a wonderful cat furiend. Always wanting to help. We will miss him terribly. All our eyes are leaking.
Samantha, Tigger and Mom

The Crew said...

Oh, how very sad. We'll go right over to Oscar's page and leave our condolences.

Jimmy Joe said...

We are all crying here because Oscar left so suddenly. I hope he is happy at the Bridge.
Your sad buddy, Jimmy Joe

HRH Yao-Lin said...

it is so sudden and so very sad. I am really upset by the goings on of the blogosphere lately. It is tragic. x

Mo and The Purries said...

I'm dedicating my Blog Talk Radio show tonight to little Ubee, Anastasia, and Oscar.

The Mo Show:
This week, just Mo rambling about love and loss.
And hopefully a laugh or two!

If you want to listen, or call in:
The Mo Show
7-8pm Eastern

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are so sad that Oscar has gone to the Bridge so suddenly. We wish we could have said goodbye.Our thoughts are with you all.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this terribly sad time.
We are so sorry.

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Oh we are so sorry about Oscar. We didn't really know him but our hearts go out to his whole family. Purrs and prayers,
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Zoey and the furballs said...

This is so sad. Thank you for sharing the story. We adore dear Oscar and will miss him terribly.

Tiger Lily said...

We're so sorry. He was so beautiful and such a good friend. We'll all miss him very much.

snowforest said...

Oscar was such a great cat that it's hard to describe. His love will always be in our hearts and he will be missed so so much. Tears just don't stop. Love and prayers for Oscar and his family...

sammawow said...

We are so sorry that Oscar is no longer with us. He was a great friend to everycat!

Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

The Cats Stephens said...

We're so sorry, Oscar's family! --The Cats Stephens

Alexi said...

We didn't know Oscar, but we've read and herd so many good things. We left a memorial to him, Ubee, Anastasia, and two cats we lost over the years. Purrs and purrayers,

The Wanderer said...

Poor thing. :(

Anita said...

I´m so sorry... :,-(