Here I is relaxin' on my couch. Isn't my tummy the cutest?!
And isn't my brofur silly! How he sleeps like this, i is not sure!

He and Benji are pretty good buds. Marley will not play with me though. I try, I really do! Oh well, I has plenty of other friends to play with!
Have a great weekend everyone! I am trying to get Emma back on track with her blog. I've just been to busy with other things lately! I know, shame on mommie, lol!
about time lol i want the cute belly DO THE BELLY DO THE BELLY BOO it is good to have u back
oh those photos are adorable! That first one made me laugh my paws off! x
You guys look so ::yawn:: comfy! Now I's ::yawn:: gettin sleepy. I guess Marley has to squish hims ::yawn:: brain in order to relax enough ::yawn:: to slee...zzzzzzzz
Now we're feeling tired too. Those are cute sleeping positions.
You look so relaxed there on your back!
SQUEEEEEEE! Must. Snorgle. Tummy. ~DKM
Love the belly...Emma, you are adorable!
Thanks for sharing the cute photos. Emma, you are always having cat nap time on your back. It must feel really comfortable for you. We think Marley is sleeping just perfectly. Hope you all are having fun. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals
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