Monday, April 28, 2008

Tuxie's Delight

Lookie awhat we has in our backyard!! Yum...ahem. I's so excited about it! Meowmie took this picture three days ago.

Breakfast, er....I mean, Mr. and Mrs. Robin, has maded they's nest right on top of our's back porch light! How stupid! Yes, meowmie, I's be nicer. My meowmie says it not nice to say stupid.

Benji and I has enjoyed watching our sna...Mr. and Mrs. Robin as they gather wiggly worms for they's first baby that we jus discovered today! Uck...worms!

Stay tuned for more pictures. My meowmie has to stand on a stool and just aim the camera over the robin's nest 'acause she is so vertically challenged, hehee. Mr. Robin wasn't too happy about that tooday. He fussed at meowmie, but she reassured him that she wasn't going to hurt ours, I mean they's babies.


Parker said...

Oh man, oh man, oh man! Those are some tasty, er, ah, wonderful looking birdies!


I think you have the right idea...I can see it in your eyes...


Daisy said...

I never knew baby birdies looked so naked!

Tybalt said...

Oh, how wonderful! I can't wait to see more pictures. We have lots of those robins in our yard, but they didn't like us enough to make a cool nest like that on our porch.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Wow, more snacks, er, babies. Mmmm mmm good. Mom just tolded us dat we are not allowed to eat dem, bet yoor mom sed da same thing...

Rosemary B❤️ said...

What amaaaaazing photos!
Yessss birdies are stoopit.
That is a very crummy spot for a next.
I hope you do not get any wind gusts or it bye bye birdies

Harmony Kitties said...

Is your mommy going to let you keep them? Tell her that you'll sit on the nest and keep them warm. Just ask her nicely, "Puuuurrrlease."

Anonymous said...

you've got lunch growing right there outside? whoa! but wait till the babies are fatter before you eat them. plus they'll have fev-vers fur playing with by then.

DK & The Fluffies said...


The Crew said...

Oh gosh, you've got baby feathers already?! Our birdies aren't even layin' eggs yet.

Your friend

World of Animals, Inc. said...

Mr. and Mrs. Robin are making sure their babies are ok and they are not to be cooked for breakfast. Love the closeup photo you shared, Emma. You look so beautiful. Have a wonderful upcoming weekend.
World of Animals