Mommie got us some fresh dried catnip!! We was all good kitties and shared it. Oops, sorry Marley, hehee. I almost rolled over him I was having so much fun! -Benji, I'm wasted. -Marley
Wazzzzzz upppppppp!! -Benji *Note from mom: Marley usually doesn't use catnip. Lol, he laid on the back door rug, no lie, for half an hour, staring into space!
Hi Marley, Emma, and Benji... I finks we should get our meowmzize to get us some of that. Marley, my sweet I will come snuggles with youz, if youz wants. Purrs..Siamia
I am going round the blogs saying Happy Thanksgiving to all my Mericky friends! I am furry jealous that we don't have a turkey day here today but mum says I only have to wait till Christmas...:-)
It's always a great day when mom brings home nip. The party has started over there. Marley, you look like your down for the count. Love the photos that you beautiful kitties shared with us. Have a great time with your cat naps now. World of Animals
I am a petite, but tough, tuxie girl. I was born outside, August 24, 2004. Thankfully, I was rescued, as was my mom and siblings, and fostered by my now furrever mombean. Some might say I have a handicap. I lost the vision in my right eye, but I don't remember ever having vision in it because I was so little when my injury happened. And I get around just fine! I share my house with Marley, Benji and a woofie named Sammie. I also have 3 kidbeans who love me very much. I love my blog and my online family!
Ha ha ha ha! Poor Marley!
Hahaha, dat must be some good kitty crack!
Georgia says fresh nip is the best--except maybe for Nip Ravioli.
Oh fresh nip is the bestest thing in the whole wide blogosphere.
Hey Marley,
I have missed ya man! I LOVE catnip! It makes me wacky! Did you at least have some good visions while you were in the zone?
HAHAAa thats hilarious! xz
Narley Dude!
Zoned out kitties!!!!! hahahaha!!
Strong nip :)
I love the nip!
Nip, nip, nip - woooo hoooo! Ya may consider joining Catnip Anon!
Hi you have any nip to share?
I have tagged you for a meme. Please come by my blog for the rules.
I have been begging my Mommy to get some more 'nip - she has been ignoring me. Bad Mommy!
Everycat *really seems to be enjoying that nip!
Hi Marley, Emma, and Benji...
I finks we should get our meowmzize to get us some of that. Marley, my sweet I will come snuggles with youz, if youz wants. Purrs..Siamia
Oah, I can see you are all crazy for nip now~!
That is very cute of you guys~!
Great photos! Mooooom, where's my nip?
Pst, Benji, will ya slip me the name of yur dealer fur, um, a handful of Temptations? No? What if I throw in this, um, gently used tailless mouse?
ahahahahaha that is great, what funny picture of you three. ~The Fluffy Tribe
KC said...
O, Emma, hope all u's haffing a furry wonnerful Fanksgiving.
Purrs, KC
I am going round the blogs saying Happy Thanksgiving to all my Mericky friends! I am furry jealous that we don't have a turkey day here today but mum says I only have to wait till Christmas...:-)
Cute! I love seeing cats play around, and yes, they do love their catnip don't they?
Nip Party "Yay" :)
This is great info to know.
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It's always a great day when mom brings home nip. The party has started over there. Marley, you look like your down for the count. Love the photos that you beautiful kitties shared with us. Have a great time with your cat naps now.
World of Animals
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